Monday, November 12, 2012

How To Host A Thanksgiving Day Feast

It looks like someone is hosting a Thanksgiving day dinner. As we get older, people always want us to host a holiday function or get together. Even though we have hosted many  holiday occasions , it is easy to forget certain rules to follow. So, we decided to refresh you with some simple suggestions in planning a Thanksgiving day dinner.

Step 1

Figure out who you are going to invite to your first Thanksgiving feast. This can be difficult because you may face some hurt feelings. When you are doing this for the first time you may want to invite every member of your family as well as close friends but that's not advisable because it's your first time. Start slow and do it right

Step 2

Prepare your menu. Word of advice: traditional is best where Thanksgiving is concerned. Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and a green vegetable are a good start. You can ask your guests to each bring a side dish to make everyone feel like they are involved. Ask someone to bring a dessert, ask someone else to bring hors d'oeuvres and someone else to bring a specialty dish. This will get your guests involved and make it a more inclusive experience.

Step 3

Get a few holiday decorations. Thanksgiving is a holiday where you are thankful for what you have. This does not mean you are rich or a show-off. It means you are thankful for the things you do have and the people you have to share it with. Put up some new pictures to show your gratitude.

Step 4

Say a few welcoming remarks as you sit down for holiday dinner. Nothing too involved or stodgy, but just let your guests know how much it means to have them over and what the holiday means to you. This will help everyone be in the holiday mood.

Step 5

Give yourself at least 30 minutes between the end of your meal and the start of dessert. You may want to make dessert very casual. Everyone has been seated around the dining room table for 45 minutes to an hour. Why not serve dessert and coffee in the family room with the television on. It is Thanksgiving and that means you can watch football all day. You've turned the TV off during your meal; put it back on and watch and talk football while you eat apple pie.

So, this should help you to plan out that special holiday gathering. Thank you to the article for this useful information.  If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, please contact us by email.

Thank You for Visiting!
Joseph A. Jones & The WellLife Team