Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to Look Younger Part 2 : Men

You are what you wear. We have all heard that expression. When we get older, it is important to look young and feel young. However, we do not want to look like a wannabe teen model. That would be embarrassing. We need solid practical ways to look younger and be age appropriate. Smart- ticks- and has some real effective ways to look younger and feel younger.

Mens Tips for Looking Younger #1: Keep a Clean Shave or Well Groomed Facial Hair
Keeping a clean shave gives men a sharper appearance and makes them look well kept.
Keeping a tight shave limits the amount of gray hairs on your face and removes dead skin cells making your face smoother and more healthy and vibrant looking.For those who have some sort of facial hair getting a simple gray hair targeting dye may be an option worth trying.

Tips for Men to Look Younger #2: Use aftershave and use it a lot!
Aftershave has a couple of benefits. It shrinks your pours after application to limit dirt lying in them, makes you smell good, and hydrates the skin .  Shave keeps your skin from drying out and wards against wrinkles and sun damage! Consistent use will give you a younger looking appearance. A good smelling aftershave is very attractive to women. It has a fresh but manly smell and once again makes one come off as well groomed and kept. It is recommended that you use aftershave not only after a shave but every time you get out of the shower. Keep your face hydrated. Applying aftershave up to the bottom and to the right of your eyes where people tend to get wrinkles or "crows feet" is a good tip.

 Tips for Men to Look Younger #3: Exfoliate daily.
As mentioned above removing dead skin cells gives a younger looking appearance.
To remove old skin in the areas that you do not shave (ex. forehead), use exfoliate. Exfoliate is simply face wash with tiny microbeads mixed into the liquid.When you gently swirl and apply the face wash in the shower it gently removed dead skin cells.

 Tips for Men to Look Younger #4: Get a good hair cut.
Finding a good barber or salon can be challenging but it is worth the effort. A well cut head of hair gives a clean and well groomed look.When finding the perfect barber who seems to cut your hair just right and is meticulous at what they do go every 5-7 weeks.A good haircut can make a world of difference. Keeping a shorter haircut also makes one look younger but is not mandatory when trying to stay and feel younger looking.The longer the hair the more you can see gray and the messier it gets in wind and in bed.

 Tips for Men to Look Younger #5: Keep those other places shaved too.
Keeping all the hair on your body shaved or groomed will always keep you looking younger. As men get older they grow longer, thicker (only where you don't want it), and grayer hair. Shave it all and frequently!
The 3 areas that are most important: Your nose, your ears, and down below. Buy a simple eyebrow trimmer but use if for your nose and ears. They are cheaper, smaller, and more nimble than traditional ear and nose trimmers. They cost $5-$10, last for years, and are well worth the investment.Use a hair trimmer or razor for down below

Tips for Men to Look Younger #6: Lose Weight and Get More Muscle
Everyone knows as men age they generally lose muscle mass and gain weight. Well don't be in the "general" crowd.By controlling your eating and weight lifting only 2-3 times a week you will have a better younger looking body shape.Achieving this is not as hard as one might think. With a few changes in your daily habit you will be looking better in no time.

Tips for Men to Look Younger #7: Keep your Heart Healthy
Having a healthier heart slows down aging in all organs and parts of your body, including your skin! Exercising, losing weight, eating better, and gaining muscle are some of the main ways to improving heart health.

 Tips for Men to Look Younger #8: Stop Hair Loss or Keep it Short
If you are losing your hair there are many products out there to limit, slow down, or stop it all together. A little hair is better than none unless you plan to keep a close shave or cut on your noggin.
Propecia works very well and it is very easy to implement. You only have to take a pill once a day to stop hair loss. The downside to this drug is the price. If having hair makes you happy then it is worth the investment. Some pharmacies offer the prescription cheaper than others including on-line pharmacies for an option.If you think it's too late to stop hair loss or are not willing to take a medication to stop it then keep a close haircut. Having longer or ungroomed hair on the sides and back of your head with a bald top make a man look much older. Totally shaving your entire head is also a good look for many and is an option.

Tips for Men to Look Younger #9 Wear Sunscreen and Sunglasses
Skin damage from the sun is one of the chief contributors to looking older. Using Sunscreen even sometimes reduces damage. Skin damage causes premature wrinkling and discoloration not to mention it is the leading cause of the most common cancer in the U.S., skin cancer. Skin damage occurs over time so it's never to late to start taking action

Tips for Men to Look Younger #10 Dress Fashionably 
Was going to keep it to 9 tips but could not leave this important one out. The way you dress directly reflects how people perceive your confidence, style, and age. Dressing sharp and fashionably can take years off of your look. Try new styles and find clothing that fits you well. Take the time to shop. I know most men do not like shopping but taking the time to do it will pay for itself many times fold when it comes to looking younger.

These are great ways to look younger and feel younger. If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, please contact us by email.

 Thank You for Visiting!
Joseph A. Jones & The WellLife Team

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Look Younger Part 1 : Women

               Dammed if you do and Damned if you don't. This saying can be said in what we wear especially  getting older. If we try to dress too young, we become that embarrassing older woman thinking she is a teen model. On the other hand, we can dress  too old like we are already retired. However, there are ways we can look younger and take years off of our age. With help from, they will give practical suggestions on ways you can shed years off your age.

       How you dress really affects how old you look. Many women make frequent fashion mistakes that help them look older, rather than younger. A good base to good style are following Project Runway's Tim Gunn's style guide. These 10 basic essential ensure that you never look too old.

· Basic Black Dress - The basic black dress has been around for a long time. It is often called the "Little Black Dress", and it's true that shorter skirts on the basic black dress, when they hit you in the right place, can be more flattering than a long black dress.

· Trench Coat - The trench coat is one of the pieces that is both classic and currently a hot fashion item. Most any store sells this piece now. It is great for fall and you can pick it up in a wide range of lengths.

· Dress Pants - Although it doesn't say black, this is probably what you want to look for. Black is flattering on all figures and goes with everything.

· Classic Shirt - The white shirt is a definite classic. But it can also come in many different styles to make it look trendy and not dated or like a man's piece of clothing. Find one that accentuates your best attributes and minimizes trouble spots. For example, if you have wide shoulders, stay away from large collars.

· Jeans - Everyone has a pair of jeans, but does everyone have a pair of jeans that make them look great? The wider leg, low-rise jean style has been popular (and still is) but a narrower leg is coming back along with a higher waist, which eliminates the unflattering "muffin top" look.

· Any Occasion Top - Find something you look great in that can look respectable under a jacket but bring on the fun after hours.

· Skirt - If you need dress pants then you also need a skirt. A skirt is womanly and can be flirty or businesslike. Nowadays women do not wear many skirts or dresses, which makes a lot of them fall into a rut of dressing sloppily or like men.

· Day Dress - Women also are not wearing as many dresses anymore. It was certainly liberating to go from the '50s when women wore dresses every day to wearing more practical pants for gardening, exercising, and so forth. But the dress does not have to be abandoned altogether. They can be very flattering, and there is nothing wrong with "dressing up" for daytime.

· Jacket - A jacket does not have to be masculine. Find one with a proper, fitted shape. Women's jackets should follow the silhouette of a woman's body and accent the hourglass curve at her waist. It is also a perfect piece to put with the skirt or dress pants, and white shirt. Or make it casual with a pair of jeans.

· Sweatsuit Alternative - As mentioned before, women wear fewer skirts and dresses these days. But some women have taken casual to the extreme and spend days on end in sweatsuits. It is possible to be casual and comfortable without looking like a slob. Find a comfortable material (that's why this doesn't say jeans again – denim is not as comfortable as a nice soft cotton) that you would want to wear every day. It could be khakis, cords, a cotton dress, or much more.

           We hope this helps you to look younger and more importantly feel younger. Next month, we will cover part 2 of  how to look younger focusing on men.If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, please contact us by email.

 Thank You for Visiting!
Joseph A. Jones & The WellLife Team

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Can Regular Exercise Affect Anti-Aging ?

          Exercise. We have all read about the benefits of exercise anywhere from being healthy to saving your life.If exercise is so good for you, it must somehow relate to the aging has found studies that show a clear relationship between exercise and anti-aging. 

Here is their findings :

          Why exercise? For those that want to look and feel younger, anti aging products may be the first place to go for that help. But, many people overlook the health benefits of staying home for those anti aging treatments. Anti aging is all about providing the body with the healthiest of choices. Exercise can prove to be better for the body and thus, better for anti aging than any bottled product.

           Lack of exercise goes hand in hand with aging. Inactivity leads to the loss of muscle tone and strength. Your posture and muscles will deteriorate over time due to lack of activity and may cause the skin to sag resulting in that aged look. Lack of exercise can also lead to back pain and health problems over time.
At South Western Medical School in Dallas, TX in 1966, five healthy twenty-year old males spent three weeks of their summer break resting in bed. This must have seemed like a dream come true. At the end of the three weeks, the dream had turned into a nightmare. They had the following :
  • Faster resting heart rates
  • Higher systolic blood pressure
  • A drop in the heart’s maximum pumping capacity
  • Fall in muscle strength.

          Each of these problems can also be associated with premature aging and the natural aging process of the body. Thus proving the link between a lack of exercise and activity and the aging aspect many are trying to avoid. As the study moved further, the effects of the addition of exercise to an otherwise sedentary lifestyle were phenomenal.

          The young men then began an eight-week exercise program. This plan more than reversed the adverse effects of being sedentary. Some of the measurements were better than at the beginning of the experiment.
A study of this magnitude shows that even the most aged persons can reverse some of the effects of aging by simply making a few changes in their everyday lifestyles. These changes do not come from a bottle or a syringe, they come from moving your body more tomorrow than you did today!

           In the January28, 2008 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, doctors in London, GB found the cells of those who enjoyed leisure time exercise showed slower cell changes related to aging. Their cells appeared the same size as sedentary people ten years younger.

          The best advice comes from the CDC. Do thirty minutes of moderately intense exercise five days a week. Do something that will raise your heart rate to that of taking a brisk walk. Or, do twenty minutes of vigorous physical activity three days a week. Participate in an activity that will raise your heart rate to the equivalent of jogging.

         Taking the time to care for your body through a regular exercise schedule will prevent the effects of aging from a cellular level. The benefits of exercise have been shown in study after study. Exercise more, age less! The secret to anti aging and exercise is just that simple and just that easy to accomplish.

          We hope this shows you the importance of exercise while you are finding ways to reverse the aging process.If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, please contact us by email.

 Thank You for Visiting!
Joseph A. Jones & The WellLife Team

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Explaining the Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods

      What you put in your body has allot to do with your health. We hear this all of the time through news reports and on line. Through research, there  are foods discovered  not only  to be healthy  but also can help delay the aging process.

Below is a list of the top ten anti aging foods that help regain vigor and vitality.
  1. Avocado – This is one of the most alkalizing foods available. Avocados are very high in vitamin  E which is essential for glowing skin and shining hair. It also help keeps those wrinkles off your face. Have a raw avocado salad or a steamed one with some salt to add effect.
  2. Berries – All berries, especially Gooseberries, are very rich in vitamin C and therefore highly useful to the body. Vitamin C helps in proper blood circulation and provides minerals and salts to all the body parts. Needless to say this helps the body to fight against aging and keep fit.
  3. Green vegetables – Broccoli, spinach, lettuce, salad leaves and other such greens are highly beneficial for the body. Not only do they help keep the body weight low but also help fight toxins. Fighting toxins is important because a highly toxic body is like a magnet for all kinds of diseases that can harm the body.
  4. Garlic – This is one of the most important foods provided to us by nature. The benefits of garlic are numerous. It helps prevent cell degeneration, helps keep the blood thin and also prevents heart diseases. It is most beneficial when eaten raw.
  5. Ginger – This root facilitates digestion and is therefore essential for the body. Ginger keeps bowel movement in shape, thereby enabling good gut health.
  6. Nuts – Almonds and cashew nuts are like power houses of energy. Consuming nuts on a daily basis will fight that lethargic feeling and fill the body with immense energy.
  7. Yogurt – Yogurt is rich is important minerals like potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins. Apart from these, what makes yogurt one of the most powerful  foods is the presence of live bacteria in it. This bacteria helps absorption of nutrients in the intestines and stabilizes the immune system.
  8. Whole wheat pasta and brown rice – Carbohydrates are long term energy foods and should never be given up unless you want to invite trouble. Substitute white pasta and rice with whole wheat pasta and brown rice and you will instantly feel the difference in your energy level.
  9. Melons – Water melons and musk melons not only have an alkalizing effect on the body but also provide the body with essential fluids that it needs for performing various tasks.
  10. Water – Nothing compares to water Stay away form those aerated drinks for it takes 32 glasses of water to balance out the ill effects of one glass of soda. Water is essential for our body. It flushes out all the toxins from the body. It also provides fluidity for the flow of blood. At least 8 glasses of clean pure water must be consumed on a daily basis.
These foods are sure to make you feel better and even younger. Thanks to in compiling  the lists and explaining these foods.

If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, please contact us by email.

 Thank You for Visiting!
Joseph A. Jones & The WellLife Team

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Anti-Aging Studies

             We all want to be healthy and live a long life. Many of us are willing to try anything to get that extra edge on longevity. Recent studies show you two ways that you can outwit  the aging process from our friends at Discovery Fit and Health .

Anti-Aging Study #1
A diet that smacks of starvation is being called the only proven life-extender. When a woman limits her calories to 1,100 in a day, or a man takes in only 1,500, the diet seems too drastic to last long.'

But following rat, monkey and Labrador retriever studies that suggest severe calorie restriction might significantly lengthen the animals' lives, human believers are jumping on the diet-wagon in the hopes of increasing their own longevity.

 Many Americans are willing to give up 30 percent of their daily calories to strive for a 30 percent increase in lifespan.

Scientists don't know how calorie restriction works to extend lifespan, but it seems to achieve biochemical changes that might, or might not, have to do with reduction of free radicals — marauders that wreak havoc on our cells.

Whether calorie-restriction followers will actually reach the age of 150 remains to be seen. But until more studies are completed, geriatric medicine professor T. Franklin Williams, M.D., discourages people from undertaking this severe diet. People on the diet "could lose weight to the extent of seriously weakening the body," warns the University of Rochester professor and scientific director of the American Federation for Aging Research.

Anti-Aging Study #2
People are being encouraged to get full-body scans just in case their seemingly healthy bodies actually have something to hide.

A cemetery is the bone-chilling backdrop to one full-body scan commercial, which aims to sell consumers on the idea that the quick and painless medical peek into the body, using CT (computed tomography) scanning, can keep them from an early grave.

It's true that the earlier the better when it comes to detecting the early signs of cancer, heart problems and other conditions that can kill. But at what price?

The price for the scans can be $1,000, which isn't covered by insurance. Seems like a small amount to pay for saving your life, but can the devices do that?
Not likely if you're not experiencing any symptoms, say most medical experts.

Not only will they not save your life, the scans could generate unnecessary concerns about an organ speck that isn't serious and subject you to pointless radiation exposure.

Your $1,000 might be better spent on recommended medical check-ups and screenings. Daniel Perry says his Alliance for Aging Research is "fairly bullish" on various preventive screenings, but he calls the full-body scans a "fad": "By and large, the scans are done on the 'worried well' looking for a one-stop shop to find out anything and everything that's wrong with them, but the technology is not a key to longevity.

If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, you can contact us by email.

Thank You for Visiting !
Joseph A. Jones and The WellLife Team